For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. -Isaiah 9:6
Our family had a very busy but enjoyable Christmas weekend. There is so much to write, but I’ll keep it brief…or at least try to. 🙂
Our church was hosting a Christmas dinner for the community the Friday before Christmas, so we spent Thursday making six apple pies, which required 36 cups of peeled and sliced apples! That night we went to the church to set up, peel potatoes, decorate, and do other prep work.
Friday morning found us out of the house around ten, heading up to the church with a van load of instruments and some of the food for the dinner. There were plenty of things to do right away when we got there around ten thirty.
Some of our jobs before the dinner started…
Several times throughout the afternoon we sang for the people who were eating.
There was a great turnout for the dinner—around 200 people came throughout the afternoon. Sometimes it got really crazy, like when someone ordered 25 dinners to go. And dessert had to accompany the dinners. Solution? Send a whole cake…and hope they don’t heed the lid on the cake box that says “15 servings” (the cake definitely was big enough for 25).
Saturday (Christmas Eve) we delivered cookie plates to our neighbors. On Sunday we participated in the Christmas service at church. Dad gave the message. After that, we went up to another town on the reservation to help with another church meeting.
The scenery on the shore of Lower Red Lake was gorgeous on the way home.