Monthly Archives: September 2018


An update from our mid summer! Some of the things we were involved in were a couple singing opportunities, helping with a local conference, three of us helping with a conference in Iowa, and counseling at camp. And, of course, we enjoyed watching fireworks. We don’t have pictures from everything but here are a few.

We always enjoy it when we can help with Bright Lights conferences. We traveled to Iowa for this one.

Sara shared a testimony

skits with a point…in which we might have been three of the four girls under those blankets, pretending to be horses

we always love the sweet fellowship

And girls camp at Storybook Lodge!

skits at mealtime

the speakers always presented the gospel so clearly

dress-up night, where we were given fascinators for our hair…

…and had an elegant tea party complete with a chocolate fountain

cabins got more points if the cabin inspector found a Bible verse sign

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. Psalm 95:6-7 NJKV