Monthly Archives: December 2013

Christmas Happenings


Christmas bells are ringing! As we embrace this joyful season, our life has been busy with Christmas-related events. This weekend, though, we are finally able to take a little bit of a breather and step back and focus on why we celebrate. Here’s a few photos from several special occasions this season.

Our Christmas tea party…

lots of smiling faces

lots of smiling faces

the oh-so-healthy food

the oh-so-healthy food

mr. snowman, made of cheeseballs

mr. snowman, made of cheeseballs

playing games

playing games

"excuse me, is Mrs. Mumbles home?"

“excuse me, is Mrs. Mumbles home?”



A pie social we sang at (with very few photos!)…

pie server...or taste-tester?

pie server…or taste-tester?


not sure what was going on here…


…but everything seems to be ok!

 Shoeboxes for the Kids Club children…P1040169P1040185


Sara was the scissors lady

Bright Lights family tea…

time to decorate!

time to decorate!

Dad gave a devotional

Dad gave a devotional

try drawing a picture on a plate...on your head!

try drawing a picture on a plate…on your head!

Christmas baking for cookie plates…

PB spreader

PB spreader

maybe it's getting to him

maybe it’s getting to him


unwrapping candy canes

unwrapping candy canes

Christmas time brings so many different activities. It can be so easy to get caught up in the events of Christmas, instead of realizing and remembering that we celebrate Christmas because “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1Timothy 1:15). Without Him, we have nothing to celebrate. As one song says, “What is Christmas without Christ?”

May you have the joy of remembering that our Redeemer lives.

Merry Christmas!


Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11


Another year of blessings, and another day to stop and count them! It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving has come and gone this year already. It was such an enjoyable celebration…we had some friends over for lots of food and fellowship. Spending our day with them was a blessing in itself. We each shared three things we are thankful for, many of which related to God’s love, grace and mercy. It was good to take some time and think about the different ways our Heavenly Father has blessed us.

Our day was filled with lots of preparation, lots of food, and lots of fun and laughter.  Here’s a few snapshots!

use them muscles!

use them muscles!

Sara made the beautiful centerpiece

Sara made the beautiful centerpiece


so thankful for friends and family                                                       (thanks to Mrs. B. for this photo)

We enjoyed a time of singing together, while the younger ones had fun playing outside in the dark and snow.

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“Sing praises to our King, sing praises!” Psalm 47:6

It was a lot of fun playing ball in the basement!

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Jonathan, being…Jonathan

What a wonderful Thanksgiving! So much fun, so much fellowship, and so much pie!

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“Thank You Lord, for Your blessings on me!”