Monthly Archives: May 2018


We recently got back from a trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Gathering of Nations (North America’s largest pow-wow) was going on and we were invited to be a part of an outreach there.

We enjoyed great fellowship everywhere we stayed.

we got to spend several nights with these sweet friends

We always love the mountains on our drives through Colorado.After much hospitality from several families along the way, we arrived in Albuquerque. Now we had left home with a number of inches of snow on the ground, so coming down here was quite a warm change.We’ve been so blessed by the Delaneys who have opened their home to us the last several times we have been to ABQ.

Dad and Mom went to the Gathering of Nations the three days it was going on, and Sara and Abby each went for a few hours two of the days. From here I’m going to let Abby fill you in on the details of that.


I had the privilege of spending a few hours at the Gathering of Nations. We met a lot of people from all over the US and Canada. We were helping the All Nations Baptist Church with their gospel booth, by handing out tracts and different gospel-oriented CDs to give to people who were interested. We brought over 1,000 Storyteller CDs to be given out at the Gathering.

There were a fair amount of people stopping by and taking materials, and sometimes wanting to talk. However, at the booth behind us, they were handing things out to anyone who would take it. I thought that maybe I would try that. So I stood at the edge of the booth, and as people walked by, I would offer them CDs. A lot of people received them and were grateful. Others were not interested. And some would ask what it was, and then decline after hearing the name of Jesus in the description.

When kids would stop at the booth, someone would often use the EvangeCube to share the gospel with them.

Once I handed a Storyteller CD to a lady, who asked what it was. When I told her that it was stories of how people overcame their addictions through Jesus Christ who changed their lives, she said, “That’s what I need. When you just said that, I got chills.”

Another woman declined a CD as she walked past, but came back a minute later to ask what it was. She then shared with me some things she was dealing with. She took some materials from the table, including that CD, and we also prayed together before she left.

Over the weekend, all of the 1,000+ Storyteller CDs were passed out along with many other gospel materials. Pray for the salvation of all who were influenced by the Gospel in some way that weekend, and for those who laid their materials aside and forgot about them—God has not forgotten about those people. He can still use those forgotten materials to bring souls to Him.

It was exciting to go and be a part of the Gathering of Nations and share the love of Jesus with people.


We also had the privilege of singing at two Native churches on Sunday.

with the pastor of one church

The believers at each of these churches were an encouragement to us. And actually, the place we sang at on Sunday night was a combination of three churches, including a Spanish one, that came together to make the evening possible.

And some other snapshots of our week…

we thoroughly enjoyed our time with Sarah Delaney

fire-baked pizzas…

…with fun friends

skipping stones in the Rio Grande

Sandia at sunset

convertible rides before we left

Sing to the LORD, bless His name; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For the LORD is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods. Psalm 96:2-4 (NKJV)