Monthly Archives: March 2015

God Created

DSCN9904 (2)Where can you go to find Creation burgers and biblical napkin holders? The Creation Museum in Kentucky!

We were excited to be able to visit the museum again before heading down to Alabama. Some of us looked more excited than others…DSCN9886 (2)

we always enjoy walking through the "Garden of Eden"

we always enjoy walking through the “Garden of Eden”

it was neat to meet Ebenezer the Allosaur...

it was neat to meet Ebenezer the Allosaur…

...maybe we hung around him a little too long

…maybe we hung around him a little too long

beautiful butterflies

beautiful butterflies

smiles from Babylon

smiles from Babylon

p.s. dinosaurs and man did exist together

p.s. dinosaurs and man did exist together

our guys with Old Testament celebrities

our guys with Old Testament celebrities

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peacock in the petting zoo

maybe someday we'll get here when the gardens are in full bloom!

maybe someday we’ll get here when the gardens are in full bloom!

We are grateful for the ministry of Answers in Genesis and their stand for truth. If you ever get a chance to go to the Creation Museum, GO! Check out their 2015 admission deal here.

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.
Isaiah 40:28