Monthly Archives: June 2014

La Plant, SD

Many of you were praying for us last week as we traveled out to South Dakota to minister on the Cheyenne River Reservation alongside brothers and sisters from Oklahoma, Kansas, and South Dakota. Last year a missionary couple (Jed and Sally) from La Plant, SD, had invited us to sing at a Native family camp that they were helping run, and this year we were excited to return to work with the same group of believers, only this time at the church where Jed and Sally work.P1070626 (2)To get here we had to cross the Missouri River. The rolling hills surrounding it are beautiful anyway, but the golden evening sunlight was splashing on the hills and it was a sight to behold.P1070399 (2)Blue Baptist Church from OK was holding Vacation Bible School in the afternoons and revival meetings in the evenings. We arrived Monday night in time to join their first meeting. It was so exciting to see familiar faces again! Even though we walked in late, they made us feel right at home.P1070438That first night Brother Larry (above middle) had each person from the Oklahoma church stand up and say their name and why they love Jesus. Some of the responses were: “I love Jesus because He loved me first”; “I love Jesus because He saved me”; “I love Jesus because He resurrected”; and from a five-year-old, “I love Jesus because He makes me happy.”

In the mornings after breakfast there was a time of singing in the church and then John Morris would give a message from the Word and an update on the work at Haskell Indian Nations University where he is serving the Lord.



we sang a few songs each morning

our family sang a few songs each morning

John Morris

John Morris

Following the morning meeting was lunch…the cooks from Blue Baptist made some amazing meals. At 2:00 VBS (or “classes”–including one for adults) began. Jed and Sally drove around to different communities to pick up people, mostly children, to come.

youth class

youth class

reading Bible stories in 3rd and 4th grade class

reading Bible stories in 3rd and 4th grade class

more 3rd and 4th graders

more 3rd and 4th graders

younger children

younger children

a few of the kids

a few of the many kids

We had so much fun with the children that came! God has had us working with kids on the Reservation near us for the last several years and it has prepared us to serve Him in other places He has opened the door to. And we love doing it! Yes, there are times when you really don’t want to play another game of tag…or you think your arm might be longer from being pulled around…or someone loves you one day and hardly talks to you the next…but God has given us opportunities and it’s worth it to be exhausted from loving on the kids.

Abby and friends

Abby and friends



lots of tag!

lots of tag!

Sara and Carlincia

Sara and Carlencia

After supper everyone gathered in the church building for more singing and a message from Jess French. The gospel went out every evening, and throughout the week God was working in people’s hearts, resulting in some who renewed their commitment to Christ and others who were saved!

the good ol' "shake somebody's hand"

the good ol’ “shake somebody’s hand”

singing praises

singing praises

these brave ladies sang two nights

these brave ladies sang “Our God” two nights

we sang a few songs

we sang a few songs

lots of people in God's house

lots of people in God’s house

Jess French preached the gospel

Jess French preached the gospel

Harley and Hayley, father and daughter, put their trust in the Lord

father and daughter put their trust in the Lord

Rochelle and Henry were added to the family of God

decisions being made

Please pray for these and other new believers who came to know Jesus here, for rapid growth and spiritual protection. Also pray that others who made commitments will be faithful.

Recently our family was talking about how we can so easily pray just because it’s the right thing to do. We hope God will answer our prayers, but we have little faith that He will. For those who had faith that God was going to save souls last week, look what He did! And for the rest of us who need encouragement to pray in faith, look what He did! He saved souls from an eternity without Him. And He also was moving in others’ hearts who may yet come to know Him–Sally would say things like, “So-and-so came out for the first time in years!” “She was here. That’s big.” Romans 8:31 says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” May we allow His workings to strengthen our faith, so that if God is for us, we will believe that no one can prevail against us.

There was always some down time before and after meals. These times were filled with fellowship, playing games, and hanging out with kids. Sometimes during the earlier part of the day a few of the kids from Blue took it upon themselves become hairdressers for a few of us.

how many braids...?

how many braids…?

somehow Dad got roped in...the kids loved it!

somehow Dad got roped in



boy fun

boy fun

love those kids

love those kids

Jed and Sally put us up in their home and were so gracious to us. Please pray as they labor in La Plant. The work is not easy, and they need strength to keep going. They love the Lord and want to see His work continue there.

Jed loves Jesus

Jed loves Jesus

the Blue Baptist group

the Blue Baptist group

Mom and Daniel

Mom and Daniel

Dad and Eddison

Dad and Edison

I've never been this homesick before!

“I’ve never been this homesick before!”

“I will mention the lovingkindness of the LORD and the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD has bestowed on us…” Isaiah 63:7



Abigail – Class of 2014

It is with great excitement and praise to the Lord that we announce the high school graduation of Abigail! This amazing young lady has worked hard and now we look forward to see how God will direct her paths.P1060409Abigail graduated with MACHE, the Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators. The ceremony was held at a church in the Twin Cities area. The day was so special, not only because we got to see her graduate and be involved in the ceremony, but also because God surprised us with a special blessing!

the graduates

the graduates

our friend came with us to play violin

our friend came with us to play violin

"Mr. and Mrs. Kent and Kimberly Fraser...

“Mr. and Mrs. Kent and Kimberly Fraser…

...graduating their daughter Abigail."

…graduating their daughter Abigail.”

Praise God!

Praise God!



God's special blessing...Abigail was the female recipient of the John and Lynne Cook Scholarship!

God’s special blessing…Abigail was the female recipient of the John and Lynne Cook Scholarship!

singing the class hymn, "In Christ Alone"

singing the class hymn, “In Christ Alone”

display table

display table

Abigail with David Watkins and John and Lynne Cook of MACHE

Abigail with David Watkins and John and Lynne Cook of MACHE

so happy

so happy

At the beginning of June we had a celebration open house. Thank you to everyone who made the day special, from lending the tent to making food to helping in the kitchen to just coming to support Abigail!

lovely colors

lovely colors

the cake...with Abby

the cake…with Abby

card/display/picture frame signing table

card/display/picture frame signing table

A note from the graduate:

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

I want to thank you, Mom and Dad, for homeschooling me all through my school years, even when it was rough. You made it a good experience for me, and went above and beyond academic expectations by teaching me many different life lessons and about the Lord. Thanks to my grandparents for being wonderful grandparents, being supportive of me and for praying for me so much, among other things. Thank you to my siblings for being there for me and helping me. I love you all so much! Most of all, thank you, Jesus, for Your help. I could not have done it without you!

We love you and are so proud of you, Abigail!

We love you and are so proud of you, Abigail!

praise God from whom all blessings flow

praise God from whom all blessings flow

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6