Monthly Archives: January 2020


This fall we were in Oklahoma for a Native evangelism conference, which was geared for encouraging and equipping believers. The boys and Dad were the tech team, and after the sessions during the day we sang for the outreach service each night.

during the morning sessions we broke into small groups to work on Bible storytelling

afternoon sessions

At the evening services there was some good preaching!

We also sang at a few other churches while we were down there, where we met new people and saw familiar faces and friends…some of those we haven’t seen in a while!

so good to be with the family at Blue Baptist again…people we have served with in South Dakota

One of the neat things about traveling the continent is there are believers to fellowship with just about anywhere you go. Oklahoma definitely has people who love Jesus!

Since we were so close to Branson, we hopped over there for a night and enjoyed a rousing family game of mini golf, Sight & Sound Theatre’s production of the Christmas story, and time with friends.

to experience an amazing, live Biblical drama, visit Sight & Sound Theatre!

Pictures from our latest trip coming next!

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 NKJV