Monthly Archives: August 2019

Alaska, Part 1

It was so exciting to finally be in Alaska! After miles and miles of wilderness driving, we were here at last…with many more miles of wilderness ahead. We took the Alaska Highway all the way into Fairbanks, where the first part of our stay was scheduled. Dad and Mom knew some people who minister there, David and Marcy Joseph, and we were going to share music for their church celebration that Sunday.

But since we arrived a few days before that, there were places to explore! Our first day we loaded up and headed to North Pole. Now, this is not the north pole of the earth, but a town with that name. We stopped to visit a Christian radio station which airs the program we produce.  We found out that it actually reaches listeners in Europe. Dad went back a day or so later to do a live interview about the radio work.

King Jesus North Pole radio station

the building was very quaint

After our visit there we went into the Christmas-themed town of North Pole and had fun going to different stores and seeing multiple “north poles” that have been erected there.Other places we visited in Fairbanks were Pioneer Park and the museum at the University of Alaska.

Also, world records can be interesting…note the sign just beneath the dog-sled.

The Sunday celebration at the church the Josephs serve at was a special time for the believers there, as they shared stories from the past, sang, and recounted God’s faithfulness over so many years.

these ladies are the Eskimo Singers

music during the meal

Someone Dad had met at the radio station offered to take us on a rafting trip down the Chena River. “Captain Dave” had us laughing and rowing while we were making some great family memories.

preparing to launch

so exciting to see a moose while we were on the river!

we stopped at a gravel bar to look for rocks and pan for gold

ice crystals on the river bank

inspecting our treasures

What a fun, memorable family experience! It was a great way to just observe and enjoy God’s beautiful creation.

More to come on Alaska!

“You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created.” Revelation 4:11 NKJV