Monthly Archives: October 2013

Bright Lights conferences in St. Cloud, MN


Conference attendees browsing the book table

My sisters and I (Sara) had the privilege of going down to help with the Bright Lights conferences in St. Cloud, MN, October 8-12.  It was an amazing week of ministry and fellowship as we served as part of the staff for the conferences.


“Let your light so shine before men, that those who see might praise your Father in heav’n…”

Bright Lights is a discipleship ministry for girls encouraging them to be strong for the Lord in their youth.  There are over 500 Bright Lights discipleship groups in the U.S. and internationally (visit our Bemidji group’s blog), and during the summer/fall the Sarah Mally (founder of Bright Lights ministry) and staff conduct conferences all over the place.

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One of the main sessions

We were so blessed to be able to help with the Strong In the Lord conference and the Radiant Purity conference.  Both conferences include main sessions packed with teaching, stories, skits, testimonies, chalk drawings, and music.  There are also small groups for the girls attending to discuss what they are learning in the main sessions, as well as sessions for the parents.


Sarah & Grace Mally teaching during one of the main sessions


Bright Lights staff singing “I Am Your Shield”


The distressed Princess, maiden Flirtelia, and IQ


Preparing for the horse race


A news report from Nickie and Grace of CBN (Conference Broadcasting Network)


Abby K. sharing her courtship story

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Small group making prayer journals


Sarah Mally teaching during one of the chalk talks

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“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…”

We were glad to have the opportunity to serve as small group leaders (Sara) and small group assistants (Deborah and Abigail) for both conferences, as well as helping with many other aspects of the conferences, such as making snacks, greeting attendees, helping them to find their name tags, handing out notebooks, sharing a testimony, and Abby even got to help out with a skit! 🙂


Sara, Ruth, & Erica assisting conference attendees in finding their name tags


Abby assisted Hayley in leading the Fireflies group for the Strong in the Lord conference


Rachel, Ruth, & Deborah making trail mix as a snack for the conference attendees

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I led the Lanterns group with my assistants Amanda and Ruth for the Strong in the Lord conference


Abby (under the blanket) and Ruth were Strawberry the horse for Cowgirl Chelsy in one of the skits


Deborah assisted Annie in leading the Garnets small group for the Radiant Purity conference

We were so refreshed by the fellowship with the other young ladies on the team.  It was great to spend time sharing insights from the Word, praying together, sharing reports and responses from the girls in our small groups, and simply talking and laughing together.  On Thursday (our “off-day), we also had the opportunity to go witnessing at a nearby mall and then spend time outdoors at a nature park.


Sharing from the Word and leader’s training on Tuesday morning


Lily and Abby at the park


Prayer before heading into the mall to witness


Annie and I were witnessing partners at the mall


Sharing stories and prayer requests at the end of a conference day


Grace and Deborah at the park

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Playing ultimate frisbee at the park


Celebrating Bekah’s birthday with a special song


Friends on the observation deck at the park

We are continually blessed and encouraged by the Bright Lights ministry and the role that it has played in our lives.  It was so nice to get to know Sarah and Grace better over the week… they are such sweet, godly young ladies with a passion for serving the Lord.


Sisters in Christ


The entire staff at the end of the Strong in the Lord conference

“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. “

-1 Timothy 4:12-

Note: Thank you Grace, Annie, Chelsy, and Karen for sharing pictures for this post!

Bright Lights Conference

Sara, Abigail and I are excited to be helping at the Bright Lights conferences this week in St. Cloud, MN. Please be praying that the right girls and their parents will be here and that God will work in many people’s hearts for lasting fruit. The Strong in the Lord conference began yesterday and concludes this evening. The Radiant Purity conference will begin on Friday. If you are a young lady (or know one!) in the area looking to deepen your walk with Christ and be challenged and encouraged in the ways of the Lord, please consider coming, or pass the word along! Click here for more information.

And here is a picture of Sarah, Grace, and Stephen Mally sharing about how to make brothers and sisters best friends!P1030078

Hope to see you there!