Monthly Archives: February 2019

Operation Christmas Child

For the last several years we have wanted to volunteer at a Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox processing center. This December we finally did!

so excited to be here!

getting started with our wonderful coach

It was so exciting to dig in and start processing! As the boxes came through the assembly line, some of the jobs were…



putting shoeboxes into cartons…

scanning and heavy lifting.

we had the right amount of people to fill a station

Another splash of fun was added to the mix when we ran into a couple of different people we knew…the most unexpected one being the director of the camp we go to in Iowa!Thousands and thousands of shoeboxes are processed here in one day.And if you think about all those “one days” that are added up, from eight different processing centers in the US, that is a lot of people that will be impacted with the gospel if each box only reaches one person. But in many if not most cases, each box affects more than just the one who received it.

shoeboxes were prayed over a number of times during the day

There was also a prayer wall, full of pictures of children for volunteers to write prayers on the back of.This was the last year of having a processing center in Minnesota before it moves to Chicago.The stories that come from a child hearing about Jesus through a shoebox are amazing. A simple gift like this can be used to bring so many people to Him. Why not plan to pack a shoebox or two for next Christmas? Find out more info here.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:13-15 NKJV