For those of you who are wondering, the main reason we went south was we were tired of having to bundle up every time we went outside.
Well, not really.
For the first leg of our journey, Dad and I were going to the Christian Filmmakers Academy in San Antonio! It was going to be a looong drive to get there–two 12-hour days. It was very different (but cool) to hear bluegrass music playing at a gas station in Missouri! We spent the first night in Kansas with some good friends, the Hendersons. It was encouraging to be with them and break bread with them on Sunday morning. Then it was off to Texas. 

a new experience for me

We arrived in San Antonio on Sunday night (did I say late?) and checked into the hotel. Monday was going to be an early morning to get to the film academy on time.
But for some reason I don’t think that bothered me. 🙂 I was excited.

I was so excited to be here!
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday went something like this: Get up early (6 a.m. or earlier), get dressed (and do hair for one of us 🙂 ), grab a few road-friendly things from the continental breakfast bar, and jump in the car…hoping to beat San Antonio morning rush hour traffic and get to the academy on time. Thankfully, we did. The rest of the day would then be full, meeting people, doing a little exploring over meal breaks, and listening to lectures by top-notch people, including Doug Phillips, Geoff Botkin, and Stephen Kendrick!

Doug Phillips

Geoff Botkin

Stephen Kendrick
Other speakers included…

Colin Gunn

Curtis Bowers

The Leclerc brothers and Botkin brothers

Justin Tolley
It was so enjoyable and educational to listen and learn from so many people who are using the medium of film for the glory of God!
And…it was great to meet Stephen Kendrick!

Producer of Fireproof, Facing the Giants, and Courageous
There was a little fun going on too…

an actor demonstrates how to be an elephant

an *amazing trick*

beautiful sound of bagpipes
Wednesday night…we graduated! 🙂 It was an amazing three days at the academy.

Daddy and me
The next day…will be posted later! 🙂