Since we were going to be so far north and west already because of our involvement with the BC Native conference in Kamloops, we thought that if we were ever to go to Alaska as a family, this would be it. Besides a special family time, the trip would give us opportunities to visit several radio stations that air the radio program, connect with Native Christians, and renew old friendships with those involved in similar ministries. We also would have opportunities to sing. So, we ordered The Milepost Alaska Travel Planner and began to make plans for this epic journey.
And then it was time to go. After the BC conference, instead of returning home, we headed north. We have so many pictures from this trip, so selecting which ones to share can be difficult! But here they come…starting with the road sign that pointed us the right direction.We stayed in a number of interesting places along the way. Below is from our time in Stewart, BC. Stewart is a little village tucked away in the mountains and near the coast. It borders the little town of Hyder, AK. It almost felt like we were in another world.
It was so much fun to see wildlife along the road (or on the road) as we trekked northward up the Cassiar Highway and the Alaska Highway.
One night we stayed in a little town called Dease Lake—the experience was memorable. We stayed at the Arctic Divide Lodge which was homey with a very personable host. It was great. Through an interesting set of circumstances we ended up meeting some First Nation Christians who live in the area. We had a great time of fellowship with them. They invited us to sing at their Gospel festival sometime.
And finally we made it to the Yukon! If B.C. didn’t seem all that far from home, this sure did!
The scenery was amazing. We came across the enormous Kluane Lake that just begged us to stop and make some memories.
It was fun to shout and hear the echo from the mountains all around. Scenes like this leave us in awe. We have a powerful and majestic God.
So after four nights on the road to the north…we arrived…at the last little town in Yukon! (Or the first, depending on which way you look at it.)
And then…
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance? …To whom then will you liken God? Isaiah 40:12, 18