Alaska, Part 2

Finally, the long-overdue second half of our time in Alaska! For this part of the trip we were mostly in the Anchorage area. There was so much we experienced…here come a lot of pictures!

beautiful views on the road to Anchorage

the night we arrived we shared at a gathering called Native New Life

the view from where we stayed at InterAct Ministries

We sang at a few churches where we met some neat people. It was kind of surprising how many of them weren’t originally from Alaska…we even met other Minnesotans who now live there!


someone to us on a hike through the woods

We did a lot more sightseeing and such on this part of the trip.

doing the tourist thing

visiting the Iditarod race headquarters

we found a nice little Korean restaurant

fun at the batting cages

One day we went down to Homer and also visited Whittier. The following pictures are of Homer…

the view going into Homer

experiencing the water up close and personal!

Whittier was a neat little place as well, and only accessible through a one-way tunnel. The sea of boats tethered there was a colorful sight.

we also spotted another glacier while we were there

On our way back to Anchorage we pulled off to view a chunk of glacier that was actually floating in the water. And, of course, how often do you get to take a family picture with a floating glacier…?Back in the Anchorage area some new friends invited us to come over and celebrate Mother’s Day. It was a special time!We also have a friend from Minnesota who now lives in Alaska so it was fun to get a chance to visit with her before we headed for home.

And in case you haven’t seen enough pictures of the scenery we enjoyed, here are a few more!

the white dots are sheep on the mountain

It’s a bit mind-boggling to think that the amazing world we live in is just a microscopic part of God’s creation. Alaska is vast, but His universe is so much bigger!

Our time in Alaska was full of making memories for a lifetime. We had such a good time together…and we had to get one more picture in Alaska before we crossed the border towards home!On our way home we sang at a church in the Yukon, where we were blessed by their hospitality. A few other things we did…make a sign to add to the signpost forest, visit a hot springs, and finish driving the Alaska Highway.

so if you are ever here and see our sign, let us know!

the hot springs was a new experience

somewhere along the way there were buffalo on both sides of the highway

we didn’t see very many sheep up close!

the start of the Alaska Highway…or the end, for us

And, of course, once we reached this point we still had many, many miles ahead until home. Fast forward a number of days, and we were at last driving down our road in the middle of the night and a song came on the radio called “Almost Home.” Perfect timing! We are so thankful for the opportunity God gave us to drive the whole way to Alaska and back, and everything in between. And thank you to everyone who was an encouragement to us along the way. What great memories we came home with!

Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. Psalm 90:1-2 NKJV

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