An afternoon of sledding

Over the past two years, we have been able to help up on the reservation with Monday night Kid’s Club at Redby Community Church. Two weeks ago (March 4), there was a special afternoon activity for these children. About 25 kids came and enjoyed the afternoon of sledding, games, and pizza (and it’s a good thing that we went sledding when we did… there’s no more snow around and we are enjoying the spring weather).  For us, it was another opportunity to build relationships with the kids.  Here are some pictures from our fun day.

The top of the hill

Sledding buddies

The snowboarders

How many can we fit onto the sled?

Blazing a new trail

Playing Foosball


Enjoying pizza

Please pray for these precious kids… that they would come to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior, that they would be strong for the Lord, and that they would be a bold witness for Him in their community.

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