British Columbia

God opened the door for us to travel to British Columbia and sing for a Native Evangelical Fellowship of Canada conference there. We were involved with something similar last fall in Ontario and so it was a privilege to join with NEFC again for ministry.

The trip out there was a beautiful drive, to say the least.

stopped traffic means good time to get out and stretch

The conference was a time to encourage believers through music and the Word of God.

Emerson Falls, from Oklahoma, brought the Bible teaching

We were so blessed by different people we met over the weekend. There are so many believers who are being faithful where God has placed them and getting to know people like that is encouraging. Also there were others we knew who came in for the conference, which was fun since we were so far from home!

After the weekend, we hit the road…in a van loaded for a month…no trailer.

And we had to grab a picture as we went through this one town…

More pictures to come as the road turned northward…destination Alaska!


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