Camp Lakodia


This week we were in South Dakota for a youth/family camp, singing and enjoying great fellowship. We had never been to this one before, but we came away with many wonderful memories, refreshed and encouraged hearts, and many new friends! It was an incredible time of fellowship, teaching, and worshiping the Lord in song.


It is good to give thanks to the LORD,


And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;

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To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night,

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On an instrument of ten strings, on the lute, and on the harp, with a harmonious sound.


For You, LORD, have made me glad through Your work;

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I will triumph in the works of Your hands.
Psalm 92:1-4

Each morning after breakfast the group of campers divided up and went to different classes, where the word of God went out and important lessons were taught. Then we all joined together for a wonderful time of praising the Lord with music! It was certainly a joy to be surrounded by people who praise Him with their whole heart!

Then it was lunch time in the “chow hall” as someone called it. Meal times were a lot of fun…there was an awful lot of laughter that was goin’ around camp. It’s so good to laugh!

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We made lots of new friends! Free time after lunch was spent swimming, playing games, fellowshipping, and Dad was even able to record another testimony for The Storyteller.

DSCN9636abby13 007IMG_3858DSCN9656IMG_3940Each night we gathered for singing and a message given by Mr. John Morris. The overall theme was “relentless.” God loves us relentlessly, He pursues us relentlessly, we need to be relentlessly devoted to Him, and we have a relentless mission of spreading the gospel. The Lord was really working in people’s hearts this week as we were given the opportunity to respond to the gospel and the messages.

So many wonderful things this week–challenging and encouraging messages, new friends, great fellowship, and amazing food (the cooks worked so hard and did an incredible job!)–we just praise God that we were able to be a part of it!

jam session

jam session

up a little too late...?!

up a little too late…?!

Speaker John Morris

Speaker John Morris

Jed and Sally Jezek worked so hard for this camp

Jed and Sally Jezek worked so hard for this camp

a new family member!

a new family member!



And, as always, we wish it didn’t have to end so soon!

taking pictures

taking pictures

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!



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