May was quite a whirlwind for us! Not too long after we got home from Albuquerque we went to Washington State for a regional United in Christ conference on the Colville Reservation. (You can read about the UIC conference from last year, here.)
It was so much fun to drive out there as a family. Dad was the only one of us who had ever been to Montana or the Pacific northwest before now.

riding luggage carts in a Montana elevator
The conference was nowhere near the coast, but since we were in Washington we had to go to the Pacific Ocean, which was another first for us. The night we arrived we found a place to eat called Moby Dick’s—if you are ever in Ocean Shores, this is a tasty option!

delicious…and Abby is about to try clam chowder for the first time
In the morning we made the trek from our hotel to the mighty Pacific Ocean.

And one of the most interesting signs we saw on this trip really told us we were far from home…
On our way to Colville from the coast we drove through the Cascade Mountains…so amazing and beautiful, especially with the waterfalls!

at Deception Falls

The conference in Colville went Thursday through Saturday. This event happened as a result of a lady who came to the one in Bemidji wanting her people in Colville to have the same experience.

here she is with a couple who ministers in Colville

conference location
So many people pulled together to make this happen. Our family stayed busy doing kitchen work, tech, leading music, and singing in the evenings. We had such a good time working alongside friends from home and abroad as well as new ones.

Personal stories of coming to faith in Jesus are so powerful. No one can argue against a changed life, or against your own personal experience. I think one of the highlights of this conference was hearing the testimonies of believers…each story is different, but they all demonstrate the same thing—Jesus saves!

these sisters prepared a traditional meal for everyone

prayer time for Native America

the conference center was on the shores of the Columbia river

After the conference we went to visit a missionary couple who had an impact on Dad when he was a teenager. Dad hadn’t seen them in almost thirty years! We had such a great time of fellowship and hearing missionary stories… good reminders of how amazing our God is.
Our next stop was in Reno to sing and to record a testimony for The Storyteller.

Then we made a visit to some friends in Idaho that we figure we haven’t seen in at least ten years. It was so much fun to reconnect with them for the short amount of time we had.

Abby made a friend right before we left
Next, we’re headed for Vessels of Honor for what is always a great young adults Bible conference.
Praise the LORD! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Psalm 150:1-2 NKJV