Category Archives: camp

September Trip South

The first stop on our trip was a baseball game with friends. Fun fun!

we like batter’s practice for a chance to get a baseball

After that it was time for family camp in Iowa. Every year we’ve gone has been an encouragement and we leave with challenging messages lingering in our minds. Are we being a wise steward of the time God has given us? Do we have a godly vision for future generations? And what are we doing about it?In addition to the hours of wisdom that camp provides, we enjoy fun activities and lots of fellowship.

Dad and Abby went ziplining

Due to an injury Jonathan was on crutches so sometimes he had a personal chauffeur!After camp we went to North Carolina to sing in a couple places, one of which was a community awards dinner…a great chance to share the gospel in song with many people.

setting up

While we were there we had the opportunity to visit a living history Cherokee village. It was really interesting and educational. One thing we found fascinating was a hand-powered drill they invented way back in time.

Jonathan did a great job getting around

some of us enjoyed a walking trail afterwards

Our next destination was Tennessee to visit our grandparents and extended family.

And on the way home we enjoyed more mountain scenery. It’s an amazing world God has made!

I will praise You, O LORD, among the peoples, and I will sing praises to You among the nations. For your mercy is great above the heavens, and Your truth reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and Your glory above all the earth. Psalm 108:3-5 NKJV



An update from our mid summer! Some of the things we were involved in were a couple singing opportunities, helping with a local conference, three of us helping with a conference in Iowa, and counseling at camp. And, of course, we enjoyed watching fireworks. We don’t have pictures from everything but here are a few.

We always enjoy it when we can help with Bright Lights conferences. We traveled to Iowa for this one.

Sara shared a testimony

skits with a point…in which we might have been three of the four girls under those blankets, pretending to be horses

we always love the sweet fellowship

And girls camp at Storybook Lodge!

skits at mealtime

the speakers always presented the gospel so clearly

dress-up night, where we were given fascinators for our hair…

…and had an elegant tea party complete with a chocolate fountain

cabins got more points if the cabin inspector found a Bible verse sign

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. Psalm 95:6-7 NJKV


Summer! It came quickly and is still upon us…and what a summer it has turned out to be!

So here is an update from June.

We were excited to go to a Native family camp in South Dakota and serve with Blue Baptist from Oklahoma again! Camp was full of singing, good Bible teaching, fellowship and fun.

getting ready to be baptized

and gathering to watch

The next week our home church in Illinois came and we did double VBS again this year…afternoons on the reservation and evenings helping a church in town.

grateful for a good week!

Update on July coming next!