Category Archives: singing

God opens a door

I’m excited to share about our October trip with you all.  Our friends in Spirit Lake, ND, invited to sing and share on the reservation again this Fall… and God opened an amazing door for us there this time.

On our way to Spirit Lake we stopped in Fargo for Mom to attend an education seminar, and the rest of us headed for the historic museum town of Bonanzaville. We figured it had been fifteen or sixteen years since we had been there, so this was the boys’ first time.

Bible and hymnal in Native languages

Bible and hymnal in Native languages

exploring old houses

exploring old houses



in the fire station

in the fire station

One of our memories from last time is the telephone room full of all sorts of old phones that are activated to call around the room. It was a highlight this time as well!img_2094_1img_2097_1

"Hi Abby!"

“Hi Abby! Can you hear me?”



wouldn't he make a good telephone operator?

wouldn’t he make a nice telephone operator?

Then it was off to Spirit Lake! Last year when we came Mom had to stay home, so we were very grateful that she could be here this year.

On Sunday, our first morning there, some of us sat in on the children’s Sunday school at Dakota Baptist Church. It was great to see so many kids there! There were probably at least twenty. Some of them we knew already, and of course, it didn’t take long to make more little friends. We played lots of tag. Dad gave the message that morning, and in the evening we did a concert. It is such a blessing to be able to be in ministry as a family!img_2241_1-2

The next evening we had a concert scheduled at the community college, where we were able to tell the story and show pictures of the airplane crash. We have found that this experience that God has given us, as scary as it was, has an eternal purpose.  God has enabled us to use it to encourage His people in their faith and to point to Him those who need a Savior… by saying, “Look at this. God is real. Jesus is real. You can call on Him.”

setting up in the auditorium

setting up in the auditorium

The next day we had an opportunity we will never forget. When our friends at Dakota Baptist had been planning and arranging our schedule, someone had the idea that maybe we could share in the public school there.  Well, God opened the door for us.  The music teacher, who is a brother in the Lord, arranged for our family to be the inspirational speakers that day.  This was our first time doing something like this in a public or tribal school.  It’s hard to describe all that was going on in our hearts.  We sang, talked about the airplane story, and shared the Good News. We did this for two assemblies, the first being K-4th grade, and the second was 5th-12th…so virtually the whole school heard Jesus’ words in John 3:16.  What He has done for us has been life-changing.  We were glad for the opportunity to sing and share about Him here.img_20161004_155048678-2

Mr. Gary, the music teacher

Mr. Gary, the music teacher

oh what fun

oh what fun

We had such a fun time! The little kids clapped along, or a least tried to, and the older kids tried to clap not along and get us off our rhythm. It was fun to interact with them before, during and after we sang.  About mid-way through the concert, we told the airplane story and showed pictures of the crash.  The response was interesting – especially with the older kids. There was a lot of talking going on while we were singing, kind of this hum of laughing and chit-chat, but when we got to the story and pictures they were so quiet. They listened as we told them Jesus is real and they can cry out to Him, that He cares about them.

Sara shares about the crash, with pictures on the screen

Sara shares about the crash, with pictures on the screen

We know that God was the one who made this possible. And we know that we may never have an opportunity like this again.  It was amazing.

such an opportunity

An amazing opportunity

It’s likely that many there had never heard the gospel before. So now the seeds have been planted.  Pray for God to give the increase.

Our time in Spirit Lake was encouraging.  We love the people there.  We are so grateful for everyone who pulled together to help make this trip happen, including the Young family, who provided helping hands, many meals and much fellowship!

Daniel and Jonathan and the Young kids

Daniel, Jonathan and the Young kids working on a puzzle

On our way home, just before we left the reservation, we stopped at a wild game preserve, where we saw an elk and a buffalo, and climbed to the scenic lookout.

the buffalo

the buffalo

at the scenic lookout

at the scenic lookout

Thank you for all your prayers. Stay tuned for our exciting November/December trip!

So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

1 Corinthians 3:7

Cooperstown Bible Camp

First of all, we want to apologize for not keeping you all up to date on what’s been going on around here.  Our family has just come through a very busy summer, often with different things happening one right after another.  We simply haven’t had time for blogging.  But now that we do, keep an eye on the blog because we’ve got lots to share with you about the many opportunities the Lord has given us to serve Him this summer.

In June, we were invited to sing at a Native family camp in Cooperstown, North Dakota.  We were once again working alongside of Blue Baptist Church from Oklahoma, as well as a Native church from North Carolina.  There were a couple of families that were there, but the majority of campers were kids from various reservations in ND and SD.

Friends from Oklahoma

In the morning after breakfast, everyone was divided into classes according to age.  The three of us girls had the opportunity to help with the nursery where we had two very energetic four-year-olds for the week.  It worked out to have three of us watching two of them so that we could switch off taking a break to catch our breath! 🙂  Right before lunch, our family also led a time of singing to the Lord for the youth.


A toddler version of carpet ball

The afternoons were full of different activities… zip lines, climbing wall, archery, shooting, swimming, basketball, and various other games.  It was a great time for building relationships as we played with the kids all afternoon.


Human Foosball

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Deborah at the top of the climbing wall


Jonathan taking a turn

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Ready and waiting for the zip line

June-July 2015 092

Dad climbing up the zip line platform

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It was way up there!


Deborah enjoying the ride

One afternoon, the swimming crew had an adventure.  Since the camp didn’t have a lake, we would drive into town to use the swimming pool.  That particular afternoon was very hot so almost all the kids in camp went along.  We had been in the water for about an hour when the lifeguards told everyone to get out of the pool because there was a storm coming.

Time for a cool down

Sure enough a storm was heading our direction very quickly with some very strange and active clouds leading the way.  The clouds began to swirl above us and we jumped in the vans as a wall of dirt came blowing down the street.  We all thought there was going to be a tornado.  The lifeguards were making phone calls to see if the school next door would be open for a shelter, and the Oklahoma people (who are used to tornado threats) were just as worried as the rest of us.


Everyone was taking pictures of the clouds before we realized we needed to get out of there

As the rain poured down in sheets and hail pounded the roof of the van, we began singing songs to the Lord.  We pulled off the road at a gas station until the rain slowed down and we were able to drive back to camp safely.  It was a scary experience and several of the young children were terrified and crying, but it also was an opportunity to talk about the Lord and reinforce the fact that He was in control of the situation.


Evening snack and fellowship

The rest of the week ran smoothly.  Each evening there was a time of singing and God’s Word was shared, and our family had the opportunity to share a few songs each night.  On the last night, a number of young people indicated that they wanted to make a decision for Christ.  How exciting!  Please pray for them as they face the pressure to follow the world, that they would be discipled by Christians on their home reservations, and that they would go on for the Lord.


Singing as a family


The youth singing a song in evening chapel

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Singing “Homesick” with Larry and Joanne Hawkins… the people who taught it to us!

Friday morning we packed up and headed home.  As we said our good-byes, many of our new friends crowded around the van joking about going home with us.  We were so blessed to be able to participate in the ministry of this camp.  It was a wonderful week of building relationships and seeing the Lord work in the lives of these precious young people.

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Final goodbyes


New (and old) friends!

Oh Canada

It’s that time of the year again when we head up to Pickle Lake, Ontario. Actually, last week was when we went up–we got home this week. For the past several years we have been invited by missionary friends to sing at a conference for Christian workers who work in the north.  After the conference we helped with evangelistic meetings at the town hall. We have lots of pictures… so for the most part I am going to let them tell the story.

it's a long, long road

it’s a long, long road

We left for Pickle Lake on a Monday and spent that night at NYP headquarters in Dryden. They are always such willing and hospitable hosts…what a blessing to us! We spent the evening after supper singing, first us for them, and then they sang for us.

trying out instruments

trying out instruments

beautiful a capella music

beautiful a capella music

much fellowship and many laughs!

much fellowship and many laughs!

We arrived in Pickle Lake the day the Christian workers conference started. It was so good to see our missionary friends and the church family there.  One thing we really enjoy about Friendship Baptist is the way they sing. They love God and sing like they mean it. It is a joy to be a part of that.

we shared a few songs each night

we shared a few songs each night

Deborah and Mrs. Rassmussen sang

Deborah and Mrs. Rassmussen sang

lots of food prep and cooking to be done

lots of food prep and cooking to be done

the lovely chefs along with generous others kept us well-fed

the lovely chefs along with generous others kept us well-fed

After the 3-day Christian workers conference the outreach, called “Freedom in Christ Conference,” began.  One of the meetings specifically addressed the issue of alcohol addiction.  Some needy people came out to it.  The day it began it began some of us went into town to hand out fliers to invite people. So many people up there have alcohol addictions and they need Jesus in their lives. We were praying for people’s salvation.

setting up chairs in the town hall

setting up chairs in the town hall

tuning instruments

tuning instruments

cable man

cable man

setting up the sound system

setting up the sound system

sharing a salvation story…

…and another

"Father hear us when we pray"

“Father hear us when we pray.”

"There is hope!"

“There is hope!”

Gary Quequish spoke each night and Sunday morning

Gary Quequish spoke each night and Sunday morning

"I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever;

“I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever;

with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness

with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness

to all generations.

to all generations.”

...Psalm 89:1

…Psalm 89:1

coming forward for prayer

coming forward for prayer

On the last of the three “Freedom in Christ” nights, a man accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior! Pray that he will grow strong in the Lord.

pray for him

pray for him

Gary Quequish has pancreatic cancer and was not, according to the doctors, supposed make it to Christmas of 2013. But, as you can see, God still has plans for him. He needs prayer; he is in pain but he is still serving God. It was so good to see him again. He had us in stitches a good part of the time with his hilarious stories and comments!

he's holding a portrait of himself that Daniel drew

he’s holding a portrait of himself that Daniel drew

Both of these conferences were encouraging to be a part of. Praise God with us for what He did in people’s hearts! Thank you for all the prayers!

The following were also an enjoyable part of our time in Pickle Lake.

Canadian bowling

Canadian bowling

our crowd

our crowd

the mama's are always reliable scorekeepers

the mamas are always reliable scorekeepers

tag after the town hall meetings

tag after the town hall meetings

Jonathan made friends with many Pooh-bears

Jonathan made friends with many Pooh-bears

a quick selfie before the lava hit the the house

a quick selfie before the lava hit the the house. no wait, this was the bonfire after church one night. duh!

Monday after one last breakfast with our friends, we said farewell, and headed down the long, long, road home, caravaning (is that a word?) with Mrs. Rassmussen’s step dad who was heading back to Minnesota as well. Before we left, Mr. Crisco played us a hilarious version of “Happy Trails to You” that had us laughing so hard we were still laughing when it was done.

Jonathan and Mr. Crisco

Jonathan and Mr. Crisco…and Abby being mischevious

We stopped in Sioux Lookout at Tim Horton’s for lunch (where you can get a doughnut as a side!), and had an unitentional-but-would-have-been-intentional-if-the-phone-had-service meeting with Mr. Quequish and his wife, who live in that town. So we visited a good while before continuing on. It was great.

ten people, two booths, and one chair

ten people, two booths and two chairs

rugged beauty

rugged beauty

Now we are home, trying to catch up with life since it’s been a month since we’ve had any kind of “normal.” What a ride it has been! We are calling to mind things to bless the Lord about like it says in Psalm 103. He is faithful, and without Him we can do nothing.

Special thanks to Mrs. Rassmussen, Deborah Rassmussen, and Mrs. Sweat for taking pictures for us. We appreciate it!


And more to come on Alabama…

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5