Category Archives: summer


Summer! It came quickly and is still upon us…and what a summer it has turned out to be!

So here is an update from June.

We were excited to go to a Native family camp in South Dakota and serve with Blue Baptist from Oklahoma again! Camp was full of singing, good Bible teaching, fellowship and fun.

getting ready to be baptized

and gathering to watch

The next week our home church in Illinois came and we did double VBS again this year…afternoons on the reservation and evenings helping a church in town.

grateful for a good week!

Update on July coming next!

Share the Gospel Today!

Happy Fourth of July!

If you are going to a parade or the fireworks today, bring some tracts along to hand out in the crowds! Our country is still free and we can do this under much easier circumstances than people in other parts of the world. Let’s use our liberty well.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12 NJKV

Summer Update

It’s about time! Our summer has been fairly full, so here’s a quick review of the events we have pictures for.

Our home church from Illinois came and we partnered for VBS on the Red Lake Reservation.

VBS was in the afternoon…

…then we headed to a church in Bemidji to help with their evening VBS

it was a good week…and by the end we were ready for dairy queen

Next was Bible camp for Redby/Red Lake kids! A church from NY came to run it…here we are with some of the counselors after camp.

The end of July was the United in Christ conference in Bemidji, bringing together hundreds of Christians from all over North America, including people from many different Native American tribes/First Nations. It was a beautiful thing to see so many believers coming together for the glory of Christ.

our family kept busy behind the scenes

people from all over shared music in the evenings, including the Shugaks from Alaska

even locals got to join in the music

Paul Straubel and Huron Claus, the men who had a vision for this conference

so many people praying for Native North America

August brought the Lake Itasca Family Music Festival. It was another great year of music and fellowship. Mark your calendars for next year!

mountain faith

And we spent time with friends who stayed with us.

being outdoorsy

The week after that was the county fair, where we have a gospel booth. Last year we started using a Bible quiz as a way to get talking with people, and it went so well we did it again this year. We also sang on the outdoor stage…a great place to share the gospel.So that pretty much brings us up to date. Thank you to everyone who prayed for the different ministry opportunities we had.

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12