Category Archives: summer

Church VBS

Ok. Life happens and some things don’t seem “worth” blogging about…but then when all the adventures happen there doesn’t seem time to share it online.

Thus has been our summer so far. We just came off a three-week busy-ness marathon. So now with a little bit of time before our next “big thing,” I am attempting to report on some of the latest happenings.

So, three weeks ago…the first Vacation Bible School for the summer at church. A college group from the University of Minnesota came up to run it. After we met them on Sunday, we knew it was going to be a good week. These people love Jesus and were excited to come share the gospel with the children.

And I’ll let the pictures pretty much take it from here…

the stage was transformed into a foresty campground

the stage was transformed into a foresty campground

there were lots of action songs!

there were lots of action songs!

craft-time always tied in with the gospel message

craft-time always tied in with the gospel message

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outdoor games are always fun

we had good weather for outdoor games

the last day they set up a mini carnival and invited families for Korean barbeque

the last day they set up a mini carnival and invited families for Korean barbeque



the amazing Korean barbeque

the amazing Korean barbeque

We praise the Lord for the many children and even some adults that heard the gospel during the week. Several children made professions of faith…pray that God will grow them and protect them from the enemy. There is still so much that needs to be done. So many people to reach. So many lives to touch. So much prayer that needs to happen. Will you pray?

It was such an incredible blessing to be able to help this group. Their love and humility was encouraging and challenging. We’re glad to have made some new friends!

prayer at the end of the week

prayer at the end of the week

Sara and friends...deflating beach balls...

Sara and friends…deflating beach balls…

Jonathan, Franky, Daniel, Linus

Jonathan, Franky, Daniel, Linus

To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Revelation 1:5-6

Redby Bible Camp

During the last week of July, the three of us girls and our sweet friend, Leah, had the opportunity to help with an overnight Bible camp that is down the road from us.  This is a camp that operates under Redby Community Church where we fellowship up on the Red Lake reservation. Normally, there are groups that come in and do several camps during the summer. However, this summer, only one group was able to run a camp (all the way from New York!) and we were excited when the pastor from our church asked if we could help them out. We had about 20 kids from the reservation attend the three day camp.


Leah & Abby – happy campers (or rather, counselors)

All of these kids come to the Kid’s Club that we do Monday nights at the church during the school year. All of them were SO excited to come to camp. When we went to pick up kids on Monday morning, many of them were waiting out at the road with their bags – there was even one girl who told us that she was already packed on Friday night! 🙂

The group from New York that ran the camp did an excellent job. There was singing and a Bible lesson once or twice a day. There were fun crafts in the morning and evening, and several hours of swimming in the afternoon.


The Bible lessons were taught by Moses


Craft time!


Fun action songs


More crafts!

Throughout the day, there was a lot of free time to spend playing with the kids – we spent many hours in games and activities like Candyland, Uno, badminton, basketball, frisbee, making friendship bracelets, taking goofy pictures, and just talking.


The basketball court was rarely empty


Badminton was a popular game of choice


A campfire is never complete without s’mores!

It was a great time getting to know the kids better.  When you live with someone for three days, you certainly get to know them a whole lot better.  Even though we’ve known all of these kids for at least a year (some of them for three years), deeper relationships were built with the kids simply by playing, talking, and loving them for three straight days.  Many of them told us they wished the camp didn’t have to end.


Camp group picture – everyone say “beefaroni”!

We returned home exhausted, but grateful for the opportunities to share the love of Jesus with these precious children.  Some of these kids have professed Christ in the past.  Please pray that they will grow in their faith, and that those who don’t know Jesus would be saved. And please pray for us as we continue to share God’s love with these same kids throughout the school year.


Four sunburned and tired counselors – sad to leave

Youth Group 2014

Just about every year since we moved here in 2000, our sending church in IL has sent up a youth group to do VBS on one of the Reservations near us.

This year, the group arrived on Saturday, June 21, after an 11 hour drive and after our mad rush to clean the house. 🙂 This year we only had eight extra people in our house for a week. Because of conflicting schedules with the camp that many of the youth group kids counsel at, the group that came here this year was exceptionally small.

One of the main highlights this year for everyone, I think, was the fellowship and getting to know each other better or for the first time. We played many games, some of which were volleyball, the Darcy game (aka the name game) and signs.

In the mornings after breakfast and group devotions taught by Dad, there was outdoor work to do. We had a truckload of 10 cords of wood delivered right before the group came, so the project for the week was cutting, splitting, and stacking the wood so that we will have wood to burn in the winter.


Everyone had a different job to do.

While the outdoor work was being done, the lunch crew would make sandwiches. Around eleven or so, everyone would come in and get cleaned up, finish packing their lunches, and put on our team shirts and head out to reservation about eleven thirty. On the way there we would eat our lunches, and after we crossed the Reservation line we would pray and read Scripture.

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All the order forms from everybody’s lunches

When we got to the rez, a group of us would head out to pick up a van load of kids, and more local kids got dropped off, or they walked or rode their bikes to the chapel.

Because the group was so small this year, Jonathan got to help out, and he was excited about that. He took Daniel’s place as snack man, and Daniel joined me in games. Daniel did a lot of running for me: whether it was putting cones out, or filling up buckets of water, he was right there to help. I don’t know what I would have done without him, because Mr. Spaargaren wasn’t able to make it this year. I was the head games leader, Deborah was the guitar player for singing and the lesson teacher, and Sara was head craftswoman.

Each day had lots of activities…


Deborah, Olivia, and Jack were great song leaders.


Sara did a great job with crafts again!


Everyone enjoyed Drip, Drip, Drop. 🙂


Deborah praying at the end of one her lessons on what Jesus is like.


On Tuesday night, a very hospitable family had the whole group over for hamburgers, walleye, and tubing. We ate first and then went tubing even though the weather wasn’t the most beautiful. We all had a blast, and everyone who wanted to went at least twice.



 On Thursday, we had a picnic after Kid’s Club and invited the families of the kids to join us. I am not exactly sure how many adults came, but there were a few, and we were encouraged because one lady from the community even brought a dish to share!

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Getting ready to serve the first people through the line.

A few more pictures from the week…

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If you look closely at the leaders, you can see they look a little wet 🙂


Group devotions in the evening.

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The kids liked playing jump-rope


The wood pile later in the week!

 On Friday night we had our annual go-to-Walmart-night, where girls go in one van and guys in the other. Usually we go to Caribou Coffee and Dairy Queen before Walmart and don’t cross paths until Walmart, but this year because the group was so small, we broke tradition and all went in the same vehicle. 🙂 When we got to DQ, it started pouring. We saw it coming, and made a dash for the one foot of protection under the roof, but we didn’t make it quite it in time. 🙁

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Trying to escape the pounding rain.

 Then, on Saturday morning they left, and it was very quiet.

Once again, our wonderful week serving the Lord in this little village is over, but we continue serving Him in other ways.


The group on the last day of VBS.