After spending a day in Illinois with Dad’s brother’s family, we left for Maryland for the coming 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Dad’s parents, John and Margie. Most of the family was gathering in the Baltimore area for a celebration on October 20… exactly 50 years from the day they wed.
The Friday before, we gathered at Uncle Joe’s house for preparation for the celebration. There was a large tent set up in the back yard. It was a lot of fun to work with the family in getting the food preparation, decorations, party favors, and cleaning that needed to be done.
Saturday was the big day! Last minute preparations kept us on our toes until the guests began to arrive. Many of them hadn’t seen the family in years and lots of good conversation took place. The meal began and visiting continued until the program.
The program began by playing a recording of the wedding vows. Then Grandpa and Nana got up and sang “My Tribute” and “Through it All.” There was music by Mrs. Linda Greasley, Uncle Scott (who sang a song that he had written for Nana), grandson Myles and great-grandchildren Jay and Alexis sang “Jesus Loves Me,” and our family sang/played a couple of songs. Deborah was able to sing a song that she had written as a gift for Nana and Grandpa.
After the guests left, it was family picture time!
It was a wonderful celebration and . Thank you, Grandpa and Nana, for your encouraging testimony of 50 years of faithfulness to each other and to the Lord. Thank you for the godly heritage that you have given us. May God richly bless you!
On Sunday, our family gave a missions update at Faith Bible Church in Elkridge, where we also sang a few songs and taught children’s church.
The following Monday, we spent the morning driving around seeing places that Dad used to go when he was growing up. We even stopped at the park where he played soccer and played a little family football game, and then some of the younger ones ran up and down the hill that Dad’s soccer coach used to train the team. We spent the afternoon/evening with Uncle Joe again and said our goodbyes.
Tuesday morning we pulled out for North Carolina… watch for our next post!