Debate Follow-up

P1050404 How many of you got to watch the debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye? If you did, maybe you left with a few questions that you want answers for. Answers in Genesis has put together a wonderful amount of resources that will help answer some of the things Ken Ham wasn’t able to address during the debate. Go to to find links to articles and videos that will help you. Also be sure to watch the post-debate discussion between Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom.

Dr. Georgia Purdom and Ken Ham

Dr. Georgia Purdom and Ken Ham

The Mally family has also put together a short video about how God’s Word can be trusted–it hasn’t changed over thousands of years. Be sure to watch it!

People are so full of questions about life. As Ken Ham told Bill Nye, “There is a book…” The Bible has the answers! Take the time to search them out.

DSCN9319“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

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