Family Fall Retreat

Towering pines…teaching and singing in the chapel…eight-thirty breakfast bell…it must be Storybook Lodge! We were not able to make it to family camp this summer, so we decided we had to go to the family fall retreat.

We had a good weekend, seeing friends, learning more from God’s Word, and all the “little” things that come along with camp…unfortunately, however, we did not take very many pictures. Enjoy the few here!

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our cabin

dodge ball is always a "hit"

dodge ball is always a “hit”



pots and pans crew

pots and pans crew

The speaker was Paul Bramsen, a missionary to west Africa. His main focus was based on the account of Jesus on the road to Emmaus, in Luke 24, and how we can use the model that Jesus did in sharing the gospel in this passage–start at the beginning of the Bible, show them God’s plan for a Redeemer and how that was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. It was also encouraging to hear about Muslims who are coming to know Jesus as their Savior as a result of the ministry of the Bramsens.



We always look forward to camp, and somehow we end up wanting it to last longer!


O LORD, our LORD, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!  Psalm 8:9

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