Heritage Harvest Festival

Last weekend we drove down to southwestern MN to sing at the Heritage Harvest Festival. It was our first time there. The farm was in the middle of cornfields…not something we see too much of in the northern part of the state.P1020907 (2)

Jonathan made a friend!

Jonathan made a friend!

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pickin' away

pickin’ away

the stage

the stage

It was a good afternoon, singing and visiting with people. We were encouraged by meeting a brother who really loves the Lord and exhorted us kids to walk with Jesus.P1020905 P1020901 (2)

golden cornfields and blue sky

we’ve never loaded our van so close to a cornfield before!

As the harvest is coming in, it’s a reminder of the words that Jesus spoke concerning salvation of the lost:

The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

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