Kansas + Haskell

Hello from Oklahoma! We are on a three-week trip to the South, to sing and share here with some others whom we have been able to minister with in South Dakota the past two summers. We would really appreciate prayer for this time.

We are a week into the trip and hopefully will be able to keep you updated a little bit. So, a recap of this past week…

We started off the trip by going to a Labor Day church conference in the Twin Cities. Our friends the Kramers were so hospitable in hosting our family for the weekend. At the conference we were able to catch up with a few friends, meet new people, and hear many messages from and about God’s Word. We also were asked to sing a few songs for the gospel meeting one night, which came as a surprise to us but we took it as an opportunity God had given. Sunday night after the conference we headed over to another family’s house for some fellowship, mostly inside, and soccer, in the rain. It was a great evening. Um, we don’t have any pictures from the weekend, but trust us, we had a good time!

Monday we headed out for Lawrence, Kansas, where our friends the Morris’s hosted us for three nights. Day one in Kansas Mr. Morris took us on a tour of his mission field, Haskell Indian Nations University.

the football stadium

the football stadium

an inside view

an inside view



Mr. Morris heads up the Haskell Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and that night was the second meeting of the school year. They open the meetings up to all the students, not just athletes. God brought out enough people to total over 60! Mr. Morris does the teaching, but it was encouraging to see other young people who were taking lead as well and helping in different ways. Haskell FCA meets at Indian Avenue Baptist Church, strategically located just across the street from Haskell and founded by Mr. Morris’ father. What a ministry this church is to the campus!P1080346

playing charades

playing charades

the music team

the music team

singing praises

singing praises


Mr. Morris shared from the Bible

Mr. Morris shared from the Bible

we broke into small groups to pray

we broke into small groups to pray


newly-met Christian family

newly-met Christian family



Mrs. Morris made us wonderful meals. One night we helped her out by peeling potatoes along with her mother-in-law, Miss Olelah. Miss Olelah and her husband were the first missionaries to Haskell. She is a well-known and respected elder on campus, still shining for Jesus.


Miss Olelah and the potato team

Yesterday we went from Lawrence to Pomona, where we stayed with our friends the Hendersons who are very gracious hosts. We were able to share a couple songs and also about what God is doing in our ministry at the prayer meeting in their home, and of course the fellowship was greatly enjoyed! We left their house feeling blessed again.

the Hendersons, minus two

the Hendersons, minus two

Please keep us in your prayers. This coming week we will be heading down to San Antonio where Dad has a meeting regarding The Storyteller. We are looking forward for what God has in store for the next two weeks!P1080357

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