Late Summer Life

As the “fall” schedule rolls in, outside it has still been looking like summer for the most part. And we haven’t posted on the blog for a while because life hasn’t slowed down! Our late summer has been busy. Little things, and not-so-little-things…we’re enjoying it. Here’s a peek at some of the things late summer brings for us.

A few senior pictures, more for the fun of experimenting with a new camera…P1020590P1020601P1020654


 Mom’s birthday (in August)P1020469


Kids club on Monday nights at our church…

Sara teaching the Bible lesson

Sara teaching the Bible lesson

Mom baking the snack

Mom baking the snack

Food line

food line


A few singing opportunities…sing


And yes, the garden!

We were blessed with a lot of green beans...

We were blessed with a lot of green beans…

...and there are still many peppers waiting to be picked!

…and there are many more peppers waiting to be picked!

We enjoy the weekly homeschool just-for-fun-baseball evening.P1020223

running through the fog afterward

playing in the fog afterward

And just today, we had some special visitors!deer

Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. -I Chronicles 16:34

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