Off we go, through the snow, up to Pickle Lake! Well, actually, off we went… we’re home now. Our missionary friends, the Rassmussens, invited us back up again to sing and share at a Christian workers conference and community outreach in this Northern Ontario community. It was our third time there, and such a blessing to go back!
We arrived late on Wednesday night. Thank you for your prayers–God kept us safe on the long, lonely road, on which we had to travel several hours in the dark. At one point there was a moose on the road in the other lane but thankfully he decided not run in front of us!
On Thursday morning there was a time of prayer for the conference and outreach, with the Rassmussens, our family, and Fred and Robin Crisco of Friendship Baptist Church.
The winter road conference began Thursday night, and continued Friday morning and evening and Saturday morning. Mr. Rassmussen, Mr. Crisco, Mr. Quequish, and Dad each shared a message.
We have been praying for Mr. Quequish. Back in November he was diagnosed with cancer and the doctor said he would be gone before Christmas. But PRAISE THE LORD he was in Pickle Lake in the middle of January, encouraging the believers with stories from his life of how he has found God to be faithful.
Please pray for him. The battle with his illness is not over. But we have a God who is sovereign and can work miracles!
It was encouraging to see familiar faces again coming out to the meetings. Since this is our third time going up to Pickle Lake, we are getting to know some of the people there and we always look forward to the fellowship.
Not only did this conference provide spiritual food, but the ladies worked so hard to make sure the attendees were well-fed too!
On Saturday after the conference ended we went into town to hand out fliers for the outreach at the community hall. This was the first time Freedom Bible Mission (run by the Rassmussens) was holding these meetings, so we weren’t quite sure what the turnout would be.
The outreach began on Sunday morning, and continued Sunday evening, Monday afternoon, and Monday evening. We arrived early on Sunday morning to set up all our gear, and then the small group that had gathered beforehand had a time of prayer for the meetings.
The outreach went very well, and it was good to see some of the people coming to multiple meetings. The crowd was a mix of believers and nonbelievers, but the gospel went out and now we need to pray for fruit.
In between meetings throughout the week, we found time for some outdoor activities.
One afternoon we went cross-country skiing with Deborah Rassmussen and Mrs. Caie. Abby, Deborah, and I had not done this before…needless to say, we went slower than Sara and Mrs. Caie.
It was so good to be able to sing in Pickle Lake again, and fellowship with part of our family in Christ that we don’t see very often! Please pray for the Rassmussens, the Criscos, the Sweats and the other believers there who minister in a rather isolated part of Canada.
On our last morning the Criscos came for a pancake breakfast, and then before we left we all sang a few songs and prayed. It was hard to say goodbye.
God gave us a safe trip home, and we don’t say that lightly. There was a near-accident with a large truck on the lonesome highway. Dad wonders if any of us would have survived if we hit, but obviously God has plans for us still!
We’ve taken this road quite a few times, but we still marvel at the beauty.
Thank you to all of you who prayed for us. We know He is a God who hears.
“Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits:” Psalm 103:1-2
Thank you Fraser family for all you do. You have my admiration. Your friend, Rochelle
Deborah you always do a wonderful job of writing up the trip along with the pictures. We feel like we are almost with you. God is using your family in a wonderful way. What a blessing you are to so many. Our prayers are with you. Royce and Blanche
Love your website ! Thank you for sharing your mission experiences and adventures. Looks like a lot of fun along with the work. We love you.