God opens a door

I’m excited to share about our October trip with you all.  Our friends in Spirit Lake, ND, invited to sing and share on the reservation again this Fall… and God opened an amazing door for us there this time.

On our way to Spirit Lake we stopped in Fargo for Mom to attend an education seminar, and the rest of us headed for the historic museum town of Bonanzaville. We figured it had been fifteen or sixteen years since we had been there, so this was the boys’ first time.

Bible and hymnal in Native languages

Bible and hymnal in Native languages

exploring old houses

exploring old houses



in the fire station

in the fire station

One of our memories from last time is the telephone room full of all sorts of old phones that are activated to call around the room. It was a highlight this time as well!img_2094_1img_2097_1

"Hi Abby!"

“Hi Abby! Can you hear me?”



wouldn't he make a good telephone operator?

wouldn’t he make a nice telephone operator?

Then it was off to Spirit Lake! Last year when we came Mom had to stay home, so we were very grateful that she could be here this year.

On Sunday, our first morning there, some of us sat in on the children’s Sunday school at Dakota Baptist Church. It was great to see so many kids there! There were probably at least twenty. Some of them we knew already, and of course, it didn’t take long to make more little friends. We played lots of tag. Dad gave the message that morning, and in the evening we did a concert. It is such a blessing to be able to be in ministry as a family!img_2241_1-2

The next evening we had a concert scheduled at the community college, where we were able to tell the story and show pictures of the airplane crash. We have found that this experience that God has given us, as scary as it was, has an eternal purpose.  God has enabled us to use it to encourage His people in their faith and to point to Him those who need a Savior… by saying, “Look at this. God is real. Jesus is real. You can call on Him.”

setting up in the auditorium

setting up in the auditorium

The next day we had an opportunity we will never forget. When our friends at Dakota Baptist had been planning and arranging our schedule, someone had the idea that maybe we could share in the public school there.  Well, God opened the door for us.  The music teacher, who is a brother in the Lord, arranged for our family to be the inspirational speakers that day.  This was our first time doing something like this in a public or tribal school.  It’s hard to describe all that was going on in our hearts.  We sang, talked about the airplane story, and shared the Good News. We did this for two assemblies, the first being K-4th grade, and the second was 5th-12th…so virtually the whole school heard Jesus’ words in John 3:16.  What He has done for us has been life-changing.  We were glad for the opportunity to sing and share about Him here.img_20161004_155048678-2

Mr. Gary, the music teacher

Mr. Gary, the music teacher

oh what fun

oh what fun

We had such a fun time! The little kids clapped along, or a least tried to, and the older kids tried to clap not along and get us off our rhythm. It was fun to interact with them before, during and after we sang.  About mid-way through the concert, we told the airplane story and showed pictures of the crash.  The response was interesting – especially with the older kids. There was a lot of talking going on while we were singing, kind of this hum of laughing and chit-chat, but when we got to the story and pictures they were so quiet. They listened as we told them Jesus is real and they can cry out to Him, that He cares about them.

Sara shares about the crash, with pictures on the screen

Sara shares about the crash, with pictures on the screen

We know that God was the one who made this possible. And we know that we may never have an opportunity like this again.  It was amazing.

such an opportunity

An amazing opportunity

It’s likely that many there had never heard the gospel before. So now the seeds have been planted.  Pray for God to give the increase.

Our time in Spirit Lake was encouraging.  We love the people there.  We are so grateful for everyone who pulled together to help make this trip happen, including the Young family, who provided helping hands, many meals and much fellowship!

Daniel and Jonathan and the Young kids

Daniel, Jonathan and the Young kids working on a puzzle

On our way home, just before we left the reservation, we stopped at a wild game preserve, where we saw an elk and a buffalo, and climbed to the scenic lookout.

the buffalo

the buffalo

at the scenic lookout

at the scenic lookout

Thank you for all your prayers. Stay tuned for our exciting November/December trip!

So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

1 Corinthians 3:7

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