Remembering Moose Factory

It is hard to believe it’s been a year already! Some of you may know that our family was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of some gospel meetings in Moose Factory, Ontario, last January. What an incredible trip that was!

Last year around the same time I was taking a multimedia class for school, and one of my assignments was to make a video about…something of interest, I guess, although I don’t remember what all the details of the project were. 🙂 Well, it just happened that we were in Moose Factory when I had to do this, so I decided to put together a video about our trip. This is the semi-original–after watching it a year later we decided it needed some touching up. 🙂

So as we have been doing a little reminiscing about God’s goodness on that trip, we thought you might like to remember this with us!

[flowplayer src=’’ width=640 height=480 splashend=show splash=’’]

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