Snapshots of Our Summer

The warm season has long come and gone here in Minnesota…but it was wonderful and busy and so instead of skipping out on this post here are a few of the highlights!

At some time or another all five siblings served at camp…never all of us at once, though.

Abby went to New Mexico for a couple of weeks to volunteer at a camp down there. A lot of the scenery in the southwest definitely looks different than Minnesota!

Somewhere in between all of that we were involved with what has become an annual double-VBS week for us…one in the afternoon on the reservation and then helping with one in the evening in town. We are grateful that our home church in Illinois comes each summer to serve in this way! No picture, but you can imagine children smiling and laughing and learning about Jesus.

August brought the Lake Itasca Family Music Festival. Mark your calendars for next year…the first full weekend in August.

Every year we get to sing and share the gospel at our county fair.

We traveled out to South Dakota to sing for a Native evangelism conference.

Our garden is a great place to watch God’s creation and just enjoy the beauty in small things.

Family camp in Iowa was such a great week for us. Getting to hear so many good, challenging messages and spending time with encouraging believers always helps sharpen our perspective and energizes our desire to grow.

One part of summer that changes every single night are the incredible sunsets we get to witness.

“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons…” Daniel 2:20-21 NKJV

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