Spirit Lake

In October we had another chance to go to the Spirit Lake Nation in North Dakota. Paul Young from Dakota Baptist Church had several singing opportunities lined up for us, including going into another public school!

our first concert was at Dakota Baptist Church

Mr. Gary, the music teacher at the school we were in last year, was teaching at a different school this year, just off the reservation. He had us come and sing for just about the whole school. We told the airplane story, complete with pictures, and shared how Jesus protected us. Before we sang we went into two different music classes to show the kids the instruments and tell them a little about bluegrass music, and we sang/played a song or two. Then the teachers  opened it up for questions, with the idea of having the kids ask about music…one girl raised her hand and said, “Are you Christians?” She obviously was listening to the words of the song! It was also fun that we knew some of the kids there…as we passed one of them in the hallway, he told his friends, “Hey! I know them from church!”

setting up

God can open doors for the gospel anywhere!

Our last concert was at another church that we hadn’t been to before on the reservation. It was for the Sunday morning service, after which we enjoyed meeting people and eating lunch together.

The Young family, who takes care of us when we go out there, is faithfully serving God in Spirit Lake. Please pray for them.

food and fellowship with the Youngs!

O Lord GOD, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your mighty hand, for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do anything like Your works and Your mighty deeds? Deuteronomy 3:24 NKJV

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