Vessels of Honor

After our stop in Idaho we booked it to Kansas City for a young adults Bible conference we girls were attending. I don’t want to fail in mentioning that we have friends in Colorado who have very graciously opened their home to us several times lately while we pass through. What a blessing! After we got to the conference, the rest of the family enjoyed the weekend with various friends.

This year the theme was “Overcoming.” Each message was very it’s hard to pick just a few notes to share!>>The Christian life is not supposed to be one of defeat. We should be passing from Romans 7 life to Romans 8 life. Don’t stay in Romans 7 or use it as an excuse against the victorious Christian life.

>>”Without Me, you can do nothing.”

>>Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. It’s a promise.

>>Jesus came to save us not only from the penalty of sin, but also from the power of sin. Christ in you, the hope of glory, the hope of victory. We are not stuck in the “we can’t help it” situation anymore.

happy to have a friend from home!

>>Christ has made us free. Are you living free? We need to stand fast (stay put, plant your feet) in the freedom Christ has made us free for. Stand on the ground of victory knowing you have been made free.

>>We have a choice as to whether we will be entangled again. Don’t voluntarily take a step away from freedom. Walking is a choice—either in the flesh, or in the Spirit.

After a great weekend there we headed for home with the rest of our Minnesota friends!Everywhere we went on this trip we were reminded of our great God—through the ocean, the mountains, the waterfalls and rivers, the wonderful conferences, the fellowship of believers. We are grateful to be in this together, both as a family and with those of you who pray for us. Thank you!

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