Family Vacation (part 2)

Now, for the rest of our wonderful family vacation! We had finished our time visiting Silver Dollar City, and now Tuesday was our last day in Branson. That morning we went go-carting! It was a very fun five-minute ride, with a ramp that looped (and looped) upward.

Anticipation…or anxiety?!


…the top of the spiral…





That afternoon we went to the Sight and Sound Theatre to watch their live production of the story of Joseph. It was absolutely stunning…amazing—and the message of forgiveness and how God works things for good was so powerful. If you ever get a chance to go see it, don’t pass it up!

The beautiful Sight & Sound Theatre

…the entrance…

…inside the dome (I couldn’t resist puttin’ this one in)…


…after the show…

That evening we went to a buffet to eat, where—surprise of all surprises! (for us kids) –some of our friends we hadn’t seen in a long time, the Hainings, were waiting for us! We had such a fun time catching up, laughing…and eating cotton candy. It was late when we left the restaurant—and it was very late when we left the parking lot.

…one of many cotton candy sticks we ate that night…

Wednesday found us driving to our friends Herby and Billie Jo Fessler’s house near Brookfield to spend the night. We met them several years ago at Story Book Lodge Christian Camp, and they have become good friends!

They showed us amazing hospitality!

We had lots of fun playing with the kids, and dinner was amazing! Breakfast the next morning was just as good.



…kitchen cleaners…

Thursday…goodby Missouri—hello Minnesota! (After we had gone through Iowa, of course.)

We praise the Lord for giving us safety and such a good time. So many wonderful memories were made and new experiences were had– as our first family vacation, the whole thing really was a new experience! This was a very special event that we will not soon forget. What a memorable time together as a family!

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